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Somatic Trauma Release

Healing through embodiment

Trauma is stored both in your mind and in your body. With somatic trauma therapy we harness the link between the two to resolve emotional blockages that might impair your fertility health and prevent you from living a more fulfilling life.

When facing fertility problems you may experience a reduced sense of mental, emotional and physical wellbeing. Feeling stressed, depressed, angry, jealous, guilty, hopeless or anxious can negatively affect other areas of your life like friendships, family, work, sexuality and relationships. Storing trauma can have negative effects in your body and manifest in symptoms like low mood, fatigue, difficulty sleeping, body pain, digestive issues, headaches, behavioural disorders, hormonal imbalance, low libido, menstrual issues and more, which can all in turn impact on your chances to conceive. 


If you wish to embody a healthy and fertile mindset it is paramount to allow yourself to release these negatives emotions. And let's not ignore that your fertility story could have an emotional root cause linked to past unresolved traumas or limiting beliefs, derived from childhood or ancestral patterns.

Through talk and bodywork, we provide the nervous system with an opportunity to process, transmute and release deep-rooted emotions and tensions trapped in your body. This could be done through movement, breathing, dancing, yoga, stretching, being in nature and other forms of creative expression that support the release of repressed emotions.

During this process past events might also come into consciousness, offering you an understanding of how they are contributing to your current behavioural patterns or symptoms. With awareness comes the potential for you to shift perceptions and attitude, making space for relief, personal growth and spiritual renewal. 

I embed somatic trauma release tools in my Fertility Coaching practice. My approach is holistic, personalized and solution-focused.  It is about what works best for you in your wholeness of mind, body, spirit and emotions.

Trauma is not what happens to us, but what we hold inside in the absence of an empathetic witness.” ― Peter A. Levine


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